Advertising Policy

Noble Remedies thrives to be most valuable to your well-being by providing reliable natural home remedies. Here is our advertising policy.

Noble Home Remedies, source of funds from advertisements, affiliate programs, sponsored content, and a few other partnerships. The funding received from these sources helps to keep going bringing about natural remedies for various common health conditions.

Guidelines we abide by the types of advertisements displayed in this portal are: –

We select types of advertisement

We control what type of advertisements are displayed in our portal. We control it by having the right to reject, remove or cancel the advertisements for any reason.

We govern the appropriate advertisement placements on Noble Home Remedies. We also have enrolled in the Amazon Associates sites as an affiliate.

We do not ratify advertised products

Different types of products may be displayed on our site. However, we do not endorse any of the products and services advertised by companies, distributors, manufacturers, and promoters.

We will not accept certain types of advertisements

The readers should know that only health-related pharmaceutical advertising that is accepted is determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The products and services must be in the market and available for use. Noble Home Remedies will monitor and disallow any advertisements related to products and services that are objectional and harmful to the readers.

All advertisements must clearly recognize the advertiser. Advertisements misinterpreted as editorial content are clearly defined as an advertisement.

We clearly differentiate the advertisements from the editorial contents

We do show a clear separation of the advertisements from the editorial content. Readers clicking on the advertisement will take them to the advertiser’s site.

We clearly distinguish content from the affiliated products and services

We may display affiliate products or services on our site for the best interest of the readers. may receive part of the revenue when the readers click the advertisement and then sign-up and purchase products and services. However, does not take any responsibility for the products and services supplied.

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